Statutes of the Association for Martine Anstett Prize
On 29 April, 2015 Martine Anstett disappeared abruptly. Her family, but also her close friends, defenders of the Human Rights, - whether they lived in Paris, Tunisia, Madagascar and Geneva -, were stunned by her sudden death at the age of 46. Martine left her companion and their young son Jules, 6 years old, in a great distress. The shock wave caused by this loss also affects her friends and collaborators that work every day for the protection and defense of Human Rights. Martine was indeed a person particularly involved in the fight against all forms of repression against human dignity. This was an early vocation upon her entry into professional life. Whether she participated in UNO Geneva, Amnesty International or International Francophone Organization, her expertise as a jurist, her smiling tenacity and tireless availability for the defense of the oppressed, aroused unanimous respect among her peers. Child soldiers, atrocities against women, families whose relatives were victims of enforced disappearance and transitional justice, Martine could master each of these cases with strength and subtlety. Until the end, that is, until her last breath, she has worked and supported these causes. In order that the memory of this exceptional commitment should not be lost and because around the world public people work a difficult and often thankless work in favor of the human rights and should thus be encouraged, the decision was made to create this Association. It will annually reward a person, man or woman, whose commitment to human rights is remarkable and, as such, deserves notice and support.
Article 1. Legal statutes
This association is founded between the members according to the present statutes governed by the law of 1 July, 1901 and the Decree of 16 August, 1901. The association is entitled: "PRIX DES DROITS DE L’HOMME MARTINE ANSTETT".
Article 2. Purpose
The association aims to annually award the "Prize of Human Rights Martine ANSTETT" via a jury. The composition of the jury and the Prize award procedure are governed by the procedure rules provided for in Article 15.
Article 3. Location
3.1. The head office is located at the following address: 1 rue Albert 1er, 92600 Asnières sur Seine.
3.2. It can be transferred by simple decision of the Board Committee.
Article 4.
The Association is composed of active members, benefactor members and honorary members.
4.1. Active members are Friends of Martine ANSTETT who pay a membership fee in the amount set annually by the Board.
4.2. Benefactor members are those who make an exceptional financial contribution to the association. The application is accompanied by a commitment to pay the amount of a special annual fee which distinguishes them from other members of the association.
4.3. Honorary members are Friends of Martine ANSTETT – approved of by the Governing Board - who by their militant or professional reputation brought her support and assistance in her commitment to the promotion and protection of Human Rights.
They are exempt from fees.
Article 5. Loss of Membership
Loss of membership is by:
5.1. Resignation;
5.2. Death;
5.3. Dismissal imposed by the Governing Board for serious cause; the person concerned has previously been invited to provide explanations to the Board or by letter to the President.
Article 6. Operating rules common to statutory authorities
6.1. The association is run by:
- Either a Regular or an Extraordinary General Assembly;
- A Governing Board;
- A Board Committee.
6.2. Members of the General Assembly and Governing Board are summoned by the President, or in his absence, by the Secretary General by simple letter or email at least eight days beforehand.
6.3. Deliberations involving making a decision shall relate only to the items provided on the agenda.
6.4. Any member who cannot attend the Assembly may give a proxy to another member.
6.5. Each member attending shall not hold more than three mandates.
6.6. The votes are hands lifted unless at least two of the participants demand a secret ballot.
6.7. Minutes of the deliberations and resolutions are recorded by the Secretary General.
6.8. Minutes are signed by the President.
6.9. Fiscal year runs from 1 January to 31 December of the current year.
6.10. Exceptionally, the first accounting period begins on the day of the association publication in the Official Journal to the following 31 December.
Article 7. General Assembly
7.1. General Assembly Meeting is composed of active members to date with their fees.
Article 8. Regular General Assembly
8.1. Regular General Assembly will be held at least once a year. Their missions are:
8.1.1. Proceed with the election of the Governing Board members;
8.1.2. Decide on the various reports presented by the Governing Board (moral report, activity report, financial report);
8.1.3. Approve the balance sheet and discharge the Treasurer;
8.1.4. Define the guidelines of the association for action in accordance with the goals assigned in Article 2.
8.2. Decisions are made by simple majority of the members attending or represented.
Article 9. Extraordinary General Assembly
9.1. Extraordinary General Assembly is convened by the President or at the written request of at least half plus one of the active members up to date with their fees.
9.2. The Assembly is alone qualified to decide on:
9.2.1. Reform of the statutes;
9.2.2. Dissolution, or amalgamation of the association with other legal non-profit pursuing people with similar objectives.
9.3. Extraordinary General Assembly may deliberate in the presence of at least half plus one of the associate members.
9.4. Decisions are made by a majority of two thirds of members attending or represented.
9.5. If the quorum is not attained, the Assembly shall be convened again within a maximum interval of three weeks and shall deliberate regardless of the number of members attending or represented.
9.6. The decisions are then made by a simple majority of members attending or represented.
Article 10. Governing Board
10.1. The Governing Board consists of 5 members at the most; they are elected by the Annual General Assembly.
10.2. Members of the Board are elected for three years.
10.3. They may be re-elected.
10.4. Any vacancy shall be filled for the replacement of such member at the next meeting of the Governing Board by appointing a new member for the period of time remaining.
10.5. On proposal of the President, the Governing Board may invite to its meetings any person whose contribution seems useful to the debates.
Article 11. General Assembly Meeting
The Board has the authority to manage, direct and administer the association in all circumstances. One of its attributions:
11.1. Principally, organize the selection of applicants for the Prize, the laureate and the annual Award day. In addition:
11.2. Ensure the setting up of the decisions of General Assembly Meeting;
11.3. Authorize any acquisition, disposition or property leasing;
11.4. Establish the provisional budget of the association;
11.5. Set the amount of annual fees.
Article 12. Function of the Governing Board
12.1. The Board meets at least once a year when summoned by the President, or more frequently if required, or at the request of at least half of its members.
12.2. Notices are sent to the administrators by letter or email at least eight days in advance.
12.3. The notices contain the agenda of the meeting established by the President in consultation with the Board Committee.
12.4. Decisions are made by a majority of members attending or represented. In case of a split vote, the President shall exercise a casting vote.
12.5. Among their members and for 3 years the Governing Board elects a President, a Vice President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer; they altogether constitute the Board Committee. Except opposition of one of them, they can deliberate by email.
12.6. The President is assigned to:
12.6.1. Represent the association in all acts of civil life;
12.6.2. Direct expenditures;
12.6.3. Open and operate on behalf of the association any current or deposit account;
12.6.4. Issue, sign, accept, endorse and perform all checks and transfer order for the operation of accounts.
12.7. In case of legal representation, the President may only be replaced by a representative acting under a special power of attorney.
Article 13. The resources of the association include:
13.1. The initial allocation for the annual Award ceremony;
13.2. The amount of annual fees paid by the association members;
13.3. Grants awarded by private organisms including non-governmental or other organizations that have concluded partnership or sponsorship agreements;
13.4. Gifts and bequests;
13.5. More generally, all legal resources.
Article 14. Dissolution
14.1. Dissolution is pronounced at the request of the Governing Board via an Extraordinary General Assembly convened specifically for the purpose in accordance with Article 6.2 of the statutes.
14.2. Voting shall be by a majority of two thirds of members attending or represented.
14.3. In the case of dissolution, the Extraordinary General Assembly shall appoint one or two auditors in charge of the winding up of the association assets.
14.4. The net assets will then be vested in accordance with Article 9 of the Law of 1 July, 1901 and Article 15 of the Decree of 16 August, 1901.
Article 15. Internal Rules
As required, the Governing Board shall adopt internal rules setting out the Award procedure and, if applicable, the details of the implementation of these statutes.
Article 16. Disputes
The District Court of Paris is qualified in case of dispute.
Article 17. Transitional provisions
During the launch of the association, the Governing Board under Article 6.1 is composed of the founding members whose names are mentioned on the Act of Declaration of the association at the prefecture.
Paris, 8 June, 2015
Frantz Vaillant. President
Louis Joinet. Vice-President